Friday 24 June 2011

it's been a while

LOOOOOAAAADS has happened since I last posted.
Starting with the most exciting, my brother got engaaaaged!!!
Heres some photos of how and where it happened!
And yes there is a photo in there of my boyfriend WITH my father. sqwuakward.....
That was mega fun, i cried a lot and said i was oh so proud a lot of times, 
It means so much because of how hard a time everyone has had lately, 
finally something good!
I also did a photo shoot for a band too, up at the barn!
I dont think I did that good, but here are some photos from it, including a lot of pictures of puppies!:
I'd like to do some more photography now that it's summer, I'm sure there'll be plenty of oppurtunities!
All my lovely friends came back for a day of celebrations too!!
It was really really nice, i miss them all so much.
It was nice to introduce scott to them if not incredibly awkward, nobody exactly spoke to him though ha!
i'm not too good and introducing and stuff. But it was nice seeing my lads and lasses:

It was SO good seeing all their goofy faces again. Can't wait till next time!
I  tried my hand at photoing my brother skateboarding too, and then i fell off it!
I have more to post about but for now im going to dance like a loon and paint something horrific!
ta raaaaaa

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